Cretanvista Site & Local News - APRIL 1st 2003  Issue 4

No links to sites with adult content accepted 

For the most part has remained far from being anything like enjoyable.  The few fine days that there were interspaced with rain and storms - though not as many as in February - were of far superior quality.  Snowstorms on Monday 24th March seemed to cap it all...

     Winter Astratigos, Kolimbari, first snow for many years.
Winter Astratigos            Copyright -

This picture has to be a classic - we first came here in 1988 and have never before seen snow in Astratigos!

Countryside Page Expansion...  
In spite of the weather the countryside is awakening rapidly now. Wild flowers a couple of days ago were in abundance and our first countryside page update for some time is only a week or so away now.  We have been out and about on the few fine days with our cameras, and since the weather, in spite of the present hopefully short lull, seems to know it is almost spring now we are looking forward to some decent additions to the page.

The picture strip below shows just one or two of our countryside sightings between the middle of January and the last day of February - the latter being a superbly bright sunshine day - at least in the Kolimbari area and up here in the Rodopos mountain villages.

Delayed...Now Late April...BUT...
Our next new page and gallery gathers olives and makes oil with the Kolimbari Co-op..  Please don't despair - this promised page has simply turned out bigger and better than anticipated.  With a myriad of photographs taken from the time the olive trees blossomed last year, through gathering in the groves to the first pressing of the world famous Kolimbari oil; to the canning and packing of the oil - we were right there with our cameras!  We broke off developing the page briefly because of sudden unexpected opportunities.

Unexpected Opportunities....

We interrupted work on the project because we got the unexpected chance to produce a new photo gallery on Cretan Countryside.  This is almost complete.  A few days more.  We also had to get out on the only fine days to photograph our spring wild flowers - another gallery almost complete. And..

The sudden opportunity to make an early trip to the site of Dyktinna - at the tip of the Rodopos peninsula by Landrover Freelander was too good to miss.  The first effort was aborted about 15Km out from Rodopos village when the weather turned really bad.  The second effort saw us all the way there.  A complete set of new pictures and a new addition for 'Driving out days' on the cards.

All material on the site is strictly copyright.  Any use in mass distribution - in print or on websites for example, needs our consent.  All the material on the site is original and represents considerable time; effort and no little expense.

View Cretanvista Calendar Photos

Not be obvious on the gallery - each  calendar is printed on white linen-faced card & occupies two complete (A4) pages.  Hung horizontally each months high quality picture is printed on the top page.  The page below has a full size light-watermark of the same image with the calendar detail overprinted on the image.

Later this year we intend making this years calendar files available for download so that enthusiasts (!) can, if they so wish, print their own copies.  I am trying to solve the problem of downloading the card to print them on right now...

All material on the site is strictly copyright.  Any use in mass distribution - in print or on websites for example, needs our consent.  All the material on the site is original and represents considerable time; effort and no little expense.

Whilst the  first of the two new hotels for Kolimbari -  right on the beach close to Irini Beach Apartments, looks to be almost complete - part of the site for the second - the old co-op site, looks like a derelict scrap yard.  Not a good advert for Kolimbari with the holiday season about to start.


Blue Star Ferries have launched a new car ferry service between Souda Bay and Piraeus.  Although an obvious competitor to the resident Anek Lines the service times do not conflict from Souda.

Anek currently leaves at 8.30pm whilst Blue Star leave at 12 midnight.

WINTER WEATHER February gave way to March with almost continuously grey skies towards the end of the month without a great deal of improvement.  The last few days of March, after what seems to have been a final severe storm (which destroyed our computer coms port used for the internet and mail) gave way to five final days of glorious spring sunshine.
April 1st brought back the severe rain - which remains with us...... Definitely NOT a joke!

January saw a deterioration in road safety in Greece - road deaths increased by 13.1%.  Here on Crete January saw 20 serious accidents in which 11 people lost their lives.. With the holiday season approaching this is not good news.


I offer no apologies for repeating the next paragraph - published in the first issue and second and now the third issue of the news page!............

'To our visitors who have taken the time to tell us that they have found our site enjoyable/ informative/ helpful/ or otherwise complimented the site - very many thanks.  We are trying very hard it's really good to know that you like it. Besides, my wife notes that many of you are ladies!  Please don't stop!!'

Almost A Year Ago ..

          Candy,  Border Collie Cross, 17 years old.
Almost a year ago - April 4th 2002 - Candy, our border collie x, our family companion for 17 happy years, collapsed and died at 11.50am here in Astratigos, where she now rests.  We still miss her...
Short Stories - Candy








There were a few nice March days..

Snorkelling fisherman near Monastery Gonias.
Quite often when out and about we bump into the unexpected. We don't know who this is, but he was net-fishing on one of the few good days near the Ecclesiastical Academy in Kolimbari...

We don't know what precisely he was fishing for as he didn't land while we were there, but it is a nice spot for a swim.


Stormy seas off Afrata.
Rain & Rough sea off Afrata

Fog bound Rodopos peninsula.
Bad weather cancelled Dyktinna

Kolimbari new harbour, storm-bound.
Meanwhile - at Kolimbari

Astratigios enjoys winter sunshine, almond tree in flower, Lefka Ori in background.
There were some good days


Well, that's about it for now.....
I hope that this page and the information and news given is proving useful.  If there is anything that you would like to see - particularly if you would like a picture included - please let me know. I enjoy photography and will willingly take and publish a picture of something that I know interests you if it is in this area.  I can't mail photographs - but will certainly send a file by e-mail (free) if asked.

E-Mail Requests..
I receive some brilliant e-mails - really - and they are very welcome.  But sometimes there is no acknowledgement that our answer has been received.  We don't mind, but worry occasionally that someone may not have received an answer from us and think the worse of us!  We will ALWAYS reply to e-mail so please, if you have mailed us and not received an answer - resend your mail - we didn't get it or have somehow overlooked it.  Our response time in the second half of March has been very much worse than our usual 48 hrs. We are now back (we hope) on form - lightening permitting!

Personal Information..
We have been asked in the past to help locate people. We would love to be able to assist but regret that are unable to do this.  There is fuller comment in previous issues of CV News.

Questions and Answers..
Quite a lot of questions are received here at Cretanvista and, as with e-mails and other forms of communication, do our best to supply valid answers.  We never respond "Off the Top of our Heads" but always research the answer - even if we already have one (things change) before passing the information on.  We provide links to appropriate alternative sources where we have them.

The answers are given with the proviso that recipients are responsible for any action taken by them.

Book Reviews.
One of the two book reviews in progress is almost complete. The author, Anastasios Sakoulis, has visited us here at cretanvista. He has kindly agreed to the inclusion of a gallery of some of the photographs from the book to support our review.  Watch this space!

Because each book review is original - we steal nothing from the book covers or the reviews of others - it takes a little longer to deal with each.  No point our reviewing the reviews when what readers really want to know about is the content! 'Books and good reading'.

Can this be you.....or yours?
Every so often when I am out and about taking photographs I come across someone who could be you - or something which could be yours (or theirs!!).  Maybe passing in the opposite direction on a full tandem bicycle (yes, that happened); an unattended car with foreign plates; something which catches my eye and leaves me not knowing......... Either there was no one to ask or they were moving too quickly!  I thought that perhaps site visitors might like to see or be able to help identify one or two 'unknowns' which have left me wondering who, or what I have missed.   Can this be yours?

                              GB  S212 OE0
        Chania - between Market & municipal car park

Until next month, best wishes from here on Crete. WB

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